• Give feedback as expert listeners and observers
  • Deliver practical instruction for experiencing and habituating your best vocal tones and technique
  • Train you to hear pitch issues and correct them so that you sing in tune
  • Give scientifically-based knowledge about the voice, its health, and the many and varied ways to use it
  • Exercise expert analysis of vocal problems and/or technical errors and teach techniques to solve them
  • Offer suggestions of repertoire from your chosen style based on your own voice
  • Prescribe exercises to target vocal issues or a particular aspect of singing/speaking technique
  • Explain the process to become more expressive and communicative as a performer
  • Teach a relaxed awareness while singing / speaking to make vocal and expressive choices
  • Empower you to effectively use many vocal techniques
  • Explain how to learn and practice songs and text
  • Teach you how to warm-up and rehearse your own voice
  • Teach you how to achieve a healthy, consistent, and vibrant vocal sound with an expanded range, natural vibrato, and expressive and interesting tonal colors
  • Teach stage presence and song interpretation
  • Explain diction and phrasing solutions
  • Make learning and lesson time enjoyable for you